Fox Tales, November, 2019
Congratulations to Chrystal, Kim, Haley, and Suzy.
Haley and the Gang.
Some Reminders:
Let's stay alert! The fire season, which has spared us here in San Diego but devastated many of our fellow Californians to the north, is almost behind us, but let’s remember to stay alert until wet weather comes.
Let's Keep Conserving Water: Maybe we'll get a decent amount of rain this winter, or maybe not. Regardless, we need to continue to conserve water in this desert we live in.
Whew! It was a long, hot, dusty summer. We may get a few more warm spells, but Fall means cooler temperatures and shorter days, and possibly rain. What does this mean for you and your horse? That depends on what your plans are: Will you be showing, trail riding, or just hacking? Are you planning to give your horse some time off?
For You:
Now may be a good time to start cleaning and oiling your tack, waterproofing your boots, putting some leather conditioner on your saddle.
Think about getting those warm clothes - jackets, gloves, hats - out of storage. A raincoat or rain hat might come in handy.
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Rainy Day Cancellation: If it's raining, or if rain is in the forecast, and you’re wondering if lessons are cancelled, call Katy’s number and listen for the message. Sometimes it's perfect riding weather at the barn, while it's raining at your house. If you miss a package lesson, remember to reschedule it during the same month.
Lesson Schedules: It will be pleasanter to ride mid-day when possible. Remember that lessons need to be done by 5 PM.
Sara and NewPort as Captain America
For Your Horse:
Exercise: Shorter days and rain often mean the horses get less exercise. Work with us to make sure your horse gets the exercise needed to stay fit and healthy.
Clipping: There are two types, a trace clip and a body clip. A trace clip will clip the chest and belly, reducing sweating but allowing the horse to maintain a warm coat on his back. A full body clip makes it easier to keep your horse clean, reduces sweating, and looks nicer, but he'll need day sheets and blankets in cold weather. Check our website's Services and Fees tab for prices on clipping and blanketing.
Corrals: Some horse owners have opted to put rubber mats and/or larger 12' x 24' roofs in their horse's corral. If you want to do this, talk to us soon to get an idea of costs and timing.
Day sheets and Blankets: This is a good time to get those blankets washed and repaired, or to buy new ones.
Feed Regimen: Generally, your horse will be fine with the same feed schedule, but a shaggy winter coat makes it harder to tell if he is gaining or losing weight. To keep an eye on his weight, you can run your hands and eyes over his rib cage, shoulders, and hip bones. You can use our weight tape to monitor his weight. Your girth fit may also be an indicator of his weight.
Frisky Caballos: Cool weather means a frisky horse that might need time in the round pen, in a turnout, or on the longe line to settle down.
The Widmer Gang Rides Again
Daylight Savings Time ends on Nov. 3: Remember to set your clocks back one hour so you won’t miss your lesson.
Thanksgiving: November 28 - no lessons, since we'll be busy cooking, but horse owners may come hack on their own. We will be giving lessons on Friday, so please schedule with your trainer. Would anyone like to trailer out to the mountains?
A Hunter/Jumper Clinic with Marcy Gehrke will be held this winter at HFF for those interested. We'll be sending out a flyer as soon as we have the details. With sessions for both kids and adults, this clinic will greatly help you advance your riding skills and understanding.
Cross Country Clinic at Copper Meadows: We'll be sending out a flyer on which clinics we'd like to attend. The past clinics were a blast - Don't miss it!
Hidden Fox Farm will be offering ball caps, jackets and T-Shirts with the HFF Logo. Please let us know if you're interested. We'll be posting an order list at the barn.
Hidden Fox Farm's Annual Holiday Party
Friday, Dec. 6, 2019
5:00 – 9:00 pm
to be held at the home of
Robert & Kim Hawley
451 Stableridge St, El Cajon 92019
Hors d’oeuvres & beverages Potluck!
Gift exchange for Everyone
Please bring a wrapped gift (of $25 max. value) if you want to join the fun. No booze, please.
casual holiday attire
RSVP to Katy 619-933-9543